Uttarakhand: Demographics


  • 53,484 sq.km.
  • 86% mountainous
  • 65% covered by forest

Main Source of income

  • Seasonal Farming
  • Seasonal Tourism

Population (2012)

  • 10,086,292

Literacy Rate (2011)

  • Overall 79.6%
  • Male literacy 88%
  • Female literacy 70.7%

Avg. monthly income 2009 survey  by NGO of nearby hill areas

  • Rs.1,100 – 2,000

Lack of local employment  opportunities in rural  areas causing

  • Survival on subsistence agriculture
  • Forced migration
  • Social pressures impacting balance of family life


Migration Commission Report on status of migration  from Uttarakhand, related livelihood and socio  economic issues in region.

Development Disability Index for Hill States in India:  recognizes and puts forth challenges in economic  development of hill states (in context of livelihood  challenges in state).